Thursday, February 21, 2013


Megan's questions:

1. On average, how much power does an
LED/Halogen bulb use?
(Note: the unit of Power is Watts)

2. How much power did the first light bulb run on?

3. What was the design of the first light bulb?
(Can we find a design that mimics it or gets
close enough to mimic it?)

4. What is the design of the LED/Halogen?
(We might have already answered this one.)


Stats for 2:


reproduction bulbs



1 varries on the color of the LED
2 cannot find
see links for 3 and 4

found online material for an RPI course

1 Watt not stated, but other units
converison link:
need to know efficacy (the funny looking n, known as nu)

3 see slide show PDF

4 see chapters 8, 11, 16-21

3 Edison Light bulb history



3 unable to find anything

comparison site:

not much else of use for halogens,
my main concern at the moment is still how it would affect history...
one thing i need to find is if batteries (AA, AAA, etc.) could be produced the in the century sooner.  If so we  have the possibility of inventing a calculator that would be between Babbage and computers.

That's everything I have at the moment, will plan to be for the next meeting Monday.
Also I live practically in the Olin Engineering Building.  If you want to come and talk to me/ask questions you can find me there.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Ladies and Gents,
Sorry for missing the meeting, my group decided to start our meeting an hour later... just got out of the meeting.   It's not an excuse for missing, just a pain.  Will post my findings in the next day.  I assume there are minutes somewhere, and will see what you talked about.   See everyone in class.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Some research I did about Electricity during the 18th and 19th Century

What I am trying to find is how much power and magnitude was the electricity during the 19th century so that we may have something to compare to the power and magnitude of the 21st century. Here is what I have found.

Who Discovered Electicity

I am not sure that this page, OUR GRID, is what I was looking for but it gives some background about the electrical components and power.

History of Electricity

Electricity, late 19th to mid - 20th century - page before this said that oil was used before they discovered electricity. I am not sure if that information is important to us yet but it doesn't hurt to put the information out there.

Table for Power Use in America Over Time

History Of Energy Consumption 

OMG I found this and thought it was cool! Lighting a Revolution

This site gives me a better idea of how much watts Edison ran his light bulbs, so I think we can work on our bulbs on this wattage. Thomas Edison

Can finally post without issues, sorry for the delay.
Here is what I have found:

quick little walk through of the bulb

lot of info, best to copy and paste into word doc to read

lot of info, shows all types of bulbs (will be very useful) with videos on each

These do not have any resources on the bulbs (thought they would) but this site is very cool to generate ideas on how light bulbs could have helped revolutionize the world (still trying to see the significance in that)

Will be able to do more soon.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

How lightbulbs work

A technically description of how the halogen lightbulb works with a diagram.

Alternative heating methods might be possible (replace electricity with some other fuel, steam?)

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Possible Information links
Some of the history of the halogen light bulb
Basics on LED light bulbs
Tells of competition for solid state lighting products and one of its winners, which features an LED product. May or may not be useful.


History and How Halogen Lamps Work-

LED vs. Halogen Bulbs- History and Comparison

Differences between LED and halogen-

How halogen lamps are made-

How LED lights work-

LED history-

History of the LED-

Facts on LEDs-

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Halogen Lights

Halogen pros and cons:

LED pros and cons:

Monday, February 11, 2013

LED Lights

History of LED Lights:

This sight gives a lot of information about how it works and who helped develope it. It also gives a timeline of its operation:

This is a little information on their uses and also their cost efficiency:

Talks about Halogen Light Bulbs :

This talks about many different types of lightbulbs dating back to the 19th century. I wanted to include this because it named a bunch of inventors who contributed to the evolution of the light bulb:

Talks more about the history of the halogen:

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Research links

A short history on the LED

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Hey guys,

This is the blogger page for Team Four. Here you can drop off your URL pages from the research that you have found as well as a brief one sentence summary of what the page is about.

^_^ Megan Moreno